Miscellaneous Jokes

Three Doors in Hell  (# 347)

A guy gets hit by a car and goes to hell. When he
gets there, the devil is standing in front of 3
doors. The devil says, "It's your lucky day. I'm
gonna give you a chance to get out of hell. You
have to complete 3 tasks.

"Behind this first door is a 1-gallon jug of Jack
Daniel's. You have to drain it in one drink.

"Behind the second door is a 600 lb. grizzly bear
with a sore tooth. You have to pull the tooth out.

"Behind the third door is a nymphomaniac. When
you've completely satisfied her, you can leave."

The guy figures it's worth a shot, so he goes in
the first door and manages to drink the whole jug
of liquor. He goes in the second door, shuts it,
and the most horrible commotion can be heard from
inside the room. 20 minutes later, the guy finally
comes out. His clothes are torn to shreds, and he
is sliced and scratched head to toe.

Finally he manages to say, "Ok, where's that girl
with the sore tooth...?"

Submitted by: PCJ, Vancouver, BC

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