Blonde Jokes

Snowstorm  (# 211)

A man and his blonde wife were at the breakfast table when the announcement on the news said that all residents of the commmunity should move their cars to the odd numbered side of the street so the snowplows could get thru on that very snowy day. The woman dutifully goes out and moves the car. The next morning the snow was still falling and the radio announcement asked that everyone move their cars to the even numbered side of the street so the snowplows could get through. She complies once again and moves the car. On the third morning of the snowstorm, the announcement on the radio comes on again and just as the announcer was about to say what side of the street to move the cars to, the electricity went out. The woman is worried and tells her husband she doesn't know what to do. Her loving husband replies, "Darling, why don't you just leave the car in the garage this time."

Submitted by: R.H., Parsons, KS

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